Sunday, December 4, 2011

DreamBox is here

Cravens Elementary School has purchased DreamBox Learning's K-3
Math Program, an online, intelligent adaptive learning(tm) program that
helps all students achieve better, faster math proficiency.

DreamBox is an online program - there's no software to download! All you
need is a high-speed Internet connection and Flash 10 (version 10.0.12 or

Your child can now play DreamBox at home along with Mangahigh, Compass and IXL. I believe your child will love DreamBox because it is setup to challenge your child, but not frustrate him or her. The adaptive learning program is great for individualized instruction because it meets your child's needs by focusing on his or her own strengths and weaknesses.

Have fun and shoot me an e-mail and tell me how your child is liking it at home. Their individual reports are sent to me, so that I can see how they are progressing.

To start playing DreamBox just click on the link to the left. It will take you to the homepage and from their you click on Williams Homeroom. Your child will then have to type in their username and password.

I hope you agree doing this kind of homework is much better than they way we had to do homework.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cravens News

I have exciting news to tell you! Our new Cravens Website is up and running I am going to have a link that you can click on to view our new site. One of the cool features of the website is that you can watch our morning news. And as always I want to thank you for have the most amazing third grade children!!